American Agri-Women (AAW) Opens Registration for Leading, Empowering, and Aspiring Toward Progress (LEAP) Conference

Heather Hampton+Knodle President of American Agri-Women (AAW) wants you! women in agriculture, to LEAP with other leaders in Reno, Nev. on August 25th.

Agri-Women from all walks of life are encouraged to LEAP with American Agri-Women at a one-day leadership event in Reno, Nev. on August 25th.

Leading, Empowering, and Aspiring Toward Progress (LEAP) is a unique networking and personal development opportunity for women farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness.

AAW President Heather Hampton+Knodle said, “We want to give women in agriculture a chance to refresh and support themselves as individuals and in teams to make a difference for agriculture, for our communities, families and more.”

She said, “LEAP will help us be even better at speaking out for agriculture and working with others to add power to our efforts.”

The one-day event features an empowering opening message to help them tap into proven techniques to guard against negativity and to develop resilient and healthy outlook. Attendees will gain life-skills for working in a team of family members, co-workers or volunteer boards by using nonprofit governance models to illustrate better board behaviors and organizational structures. Women at LEAP will learn how to develop trust in relationships and in representing agriculture in conversations with others.

Hampton+Knodle said possibly the most valuable outcome will be connecting with other women in agriculture. “We designed the event to maximize opportunities for women to connect over topics that matter to them. It is so fulfilling to learn that we are not alone in our challenges and hopes.”

The American Agri-Women LEAP features an optional networking event the early evening of August 24th at the Peppermill Resort, Spa and Casino in Reno. On Friday, August 25th, LEAP registration opens at 8 a.m. with the kickoff at 8:30 a.m.

Register now at

About American Agri-Women

American Agri-Women (AAW) is the national coalition of farm, ranch, and agribusiness women’s organizations and state and commodity affiliate organizations. AAW’s Vision for the 2023 Farm Bill can be found at AAW promotes the welfare of our national security through safe and reliable food, fiber and energy supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers, advocate for agriculture, and offer networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW website for more information and to join Find AAW on social media at: (@Women4Ag) and (@americanagriwomen). #standupspeakout4ag

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