The August Crop Production report of USDA reflected a small amount of abandoned acres across Oklahoma compared to the July Report- resulting in a crop that is virtually the same size as the one that was produced in 2022. NASS reduced the harvested acres by 50,000 acres(the trade reporting that farmers had to abandon those acres due to rains that caused mud and weed problems) with 2.55 million acres being harvested- the yield per acre was left unchanged from July to August resulting in Oklahoma’s winter wheat crop called 68.85 million bushels- up from 68.6 million bushels in 2022.
Even though there was a sizable amount of wheat still to be harvested in early July in Kansas- the estimates in July were held in place in the August report for the nation’s largest wheat producing state- with Kansas farmers harvesting 6.5 million acres with a disappointing 32 bushels per acre for a 208 million bushel crop. That’s fifteen percent less than the 2022 crop for Kansas and well under their long term average of 330 million bushels.
The Texas winter wheat crop is well above the 2022 crop- up 79% from the 39 million bushel crop of 2022- the 2023 crop harvested by Texas producers comes from 2 million acres with a yield of 35 bushels per acre, resulting in 70 million bushels produced this year.
Nationally, Hard Red Winter production, at 585 million bushels, is up 1 percent from last month.
Beyond the 2023 winter wheat crop- USDA also had production estimates on several of the spring planted crops in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Upland cotton production is forecast at 520 thousand bales, 71 percent higher than 2022.
Yield averaged 594 pounds per acre, compared with 634 pounds last year. Acreage harvested, at
420 thousand acres, is up 83 percent from last year.
Oklahoma corn production is forecast at 44.6 million bushels, up 83 percent from the previous year.
Statewide yields averaged 135 bushels per acre, 13.0 bushels higher than 2022. Acres harvested for
grain, at 330 thousand, is up 65 percent from last year.
Oklahoma sorghum production is forecast at 19.2 million bushels, up 234 percent from last year.
Yield averaged 52.0 bushels per acre, up 28.0 bushels from the previous year. Acres harvested, at
370 thousand acres, is 54 percent higher than 2022.
Oklahoma soybean production is forecast at 16.1 million bushels, up 146 percent from last year.
Yield is expected to average 31.0 bushels per acre, compared with 17.0 bushels in 2022. Harvested
acreage, at 520 thousand acres, is 35 percent higher than last year.
Oklahoma peanut production is forecast at 3 percent lower than last year, at 60.0 million pounds. Yield is
forecast at 4,000 pounds per acre, up 350 pounds from 2022. Harvested acres are down 12 percent from
last year to 15.0 thousand acres.