Beltway Beef Podcast: WOTUS Rewrite Brings EPA Closer to Supreme Court’s Ruling

Each week, Beltway Beef brings you the latest policy news affecting the U.S. cattle and beef industry. Hear from subject-matter experts, producers, and industry leaders on the topics that impact the business viability of farms and ranches across the country.

On this episode, NCBA Chief Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart joins to discuss the Environmental Protection Agency’s revised Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule that is intended to comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case Sackett v. EPA. NCBA was involved in the Sackett case by filing a brief with the Supreme Court that highlighted the Clean Water Act’s impact on cattle producers. Hart explains some of the provisions in the revised rule and shares background on NCBA’s work fighting for clear, limited WOTUS rules.

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