U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture to address conference of state agriculture officials

WHO: U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Xochitl Torres Small will provide perspective on administration priorities and issues important to the agriculture and food industry during the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Annual Meeting on Sept. 10-13, 2023. This event will represent the Deputy Secretary’s first public address to NASDA in her new position.

WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 13 at approximately 11 a.m. MT during the closing plenary session.

WHERE: Both virtual and in-person conference attendees will be able to watch the remarks. The NASDA Annual Meeting is being held in Cheyenne, Wyoming, at the Little America Hotel & Resort.

HOW: Registration is free for all members of the press. Please register by Monday, Sept. 11 to attend.

WHAT: The 2023 NASDA Annual Meeting is themed “Old West, New Frontier.” The meeting theme will guide NASDA’s conversations and policymaking on agricultural and food issues. Follow NASDA on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with the entire conference, and use our hashtag #OldWestNewFrontier. 

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