Representative Stephanie Bice Discusses Policy Impacting Oklahoma Producers

Listen to KC Sheperd talk with Stephanie Bice as she gives an update on ag policy.

Farm Director, KC Sheperd, is visiting with Congresswomen Stephanie Bice about some updates on agricultural policy. Representative Bice serves Oklahoma’s 5th District.

As part of the Republican Mainstreet Conference, Bice said House Republicans agreed on a short-term government funding bill. This 30-day CR was put into place to help keep the government open with funding through October 31, providing more time for debate on appropriations bills.

“This continuing resolution would help protect the credit insurance fund program account, rural housing, the rental assistance program, the ag marketing account, and the federal wildland firefighter salaries,” Bice said.

There has been a tremendous amount of excess spending over the past two years, Bice said, so cutting that excess spending is a priority, but it is also important to keep adequate military and veteran funding. The proposal put forth for a 30-day CR will allow more focus on the most important issue in the country, Bice added, which she said is the border.

“This bill has a tremendous amount of border security initiatives in it, and we feel that even Democrats are now asking for something to be done on the Southern border with seven million folks crossing illegally into the country, this is a crisis, and this administration is ignoring it,” Bice said. “We feel positively optimistic that we can get this across the finish line later this week and avoid that.”

The biggest issue Bice said she hears from farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma is regarding interest rates and credit.

“We are so incredibly fortunate to have Frank Lucas back on the ag committee,” Bice said. “He certainly was the author of the last Farm Bill, but he knows the nuances of how to get the deal done. So, having him back on the ag committee allows, I think, great perspective and also makes sure we are protecting our farmers and ranchers as we move through the process.”

Bice said she believes it is more likely that there will be a continuing resolution on the current Farm Bill, to provide time to renegotiate in the next 12 months.

An advocate for putting a stop to foreign agricultural land purchasing in Oklahoma, Bice said she has filed legislation to find a solution.

“I would like to make it specific to Oklahoma, but it is across the country, preventing foreign entities from purchasing ag land,” Bice said.

As of a few months ago, Bice said her staff has started to read the Federal Register each morning to look into which policies the administration is pushing.

“It is not one specific thing they are doing,” Bice said. “It is death by a thousand cuts.”

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