KC Sheperd, Farm Director, is back talking with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets.
The market stayed steady this week, Rodenberger said, and even improved in some places.
“We are starting to see a little bit of a lull on the calves,” Rodenberger said. “It is not cheaper; it is just that the demand is not near as aggressive as it was two weeks ago.”
This is nothing new, Rodenberger said, as producers are getting ready to get back into the field.
“Our run at Apache was pretty well normal to what it was a year ago,” Rodenberger said. “I think everybody kind of stayed consistent.”
Rodenberger said the demand for feeder cattle is great, and this demand will last until the consumer cannot afford the current prices.
“The herd expansion has not even begun to start,” Rodenberger said.