After a weekend of interviews, tests and interaction with the National FFA Officer Nomination Committee, Braden Heisler of Waukomis has received his letter confirming that he has advanced into the second round of being considered for one of six positions as a National Officer of the FFA organization for the coming year.
And- Heisler is a part of a very unique group- four undergrad students at the Ferguson College of Agriculture at Oklahoma State University were in the original 35 students from across the United States that were nominated as National Officer Candidates by their states. ALL FOUR of them- Braden Heisler of Oklahoma, Erynn Allison of Georgia, Amara Jackson of Michigan and Justin Sharp of Oregon- have advanced to the Phase Two group of 21 remaining candidates.
The other 17 candidates that have advanced to Phase Two include:
Josie Kelly, Arkansas
Kayla Rossi, Colorado
Matthew Syrotiak, Connecticut
Carter Howell, Florida
Kanyon Huntington, Iowa
Claire Shelton, Idaho
Adam Loker, Illinois
|Kyle Thomas, Minnesota
Grant Norfleet, Missouri
Amarae Lisenby, North Carolina
Elizabeth Wilkins, Nebraska
Emily Crossett, New Mexico
Morgan Anderson, Ohio
Abigail O’Neill, Pennsylvania
Faith Cook, Tennessee
Bryce Fisher, Texas
Bree Coxbill, Wyoming
Check out the pictures of all thirty five original Candidates below.
Each year, the National FFA Organization selects six student members to represent the organization as a national FFA officer.
The primary responsibility of a national officer is to serve the organization in local, state, national and international activities in a way that will inform, motivate and inspire FFA members, advisors, state staff, teachers and others to achieve the mission, strategies and core goals of the organization.
National officers dedicate one year of service with the organization. The time is spent representing student membership during meetings with the National FFA Board of Directors, facilitating workshops that bring leadership and knowledge to FFA members, delivering motivational speeches and serving as advocates for FFA on a global scale.
Our coverage of Oklahoma FFA engaged at the National FFA Convention is being powered by Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Watch for our stories and interviews from Indianapolis on our Website, Daily Email, our statewide Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and our Social Media Channels. Click here for the OKFB website to learn about how they are making a difference in lives of Oklahomans. Oklahoma Farm Bureau supports the youth of rural Oklahoma year round- and reminds you- Together- We Are Rural Oklahoma!