Proficiency Award Winners Named During National FFA Convention & Expo

Eleven winners of the 2023 National FFA Agricultural Proficiency Awards were named during the fifth session of the 96th National FFA Convention & Expo on Friday, Nov. 3, which is being held in Indianapolis.

Agricultural proficiency awards honor FFA members who, through supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. Students compete in areas ranging from agricultural communications to wildlife management. Proficiency awards are also recognized at local and state levels and provide recognition to members exploring and becoming established in agricultural career pathways.

Today, awards were announced for 11 of the 45 categories during the fifth general convention session.

The recipients are:
Agricultural Processing – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Garret Gomes
Garret Gomes of the Gunstine FFA Chapter in California works at his local butcher shop and has learned about the meat processing industry in the 3,200-square-foot shop. He helps make more than 60 different types of sausage, hand cuts steaks and chops, and smokes meat products, as well. When he began his position, he learned about sanitation, sausage making, and meat marinating. Gomes is supported by his parents, Christine and Richie, and his FFA advisors Kelly Sanches, Matt Baffunno, Cameron Wyman, and Graciela Martinez.

Agriscience Research – Plant Systems
Charleigh Feuerbacher
Charleigh Feuerbacher of the Stephenville FFA Chapter in Texas has researched hydroponically grown plants. Her first project explored the nutrient additive of different sugar types across sweet potatoes, cilantro and tomatoes. Her second focused on the nutrient additive of ascorbic acids in hydroponic systems with the goal of crops with higher vitamin C content. Feurbacher is supported by her parents, Ashleigh and Arlon, and her FFA advisors Savannah Bowers, Cameron Price, Brock Burch and Jordan Smith.

Diversified Crop Production – Entrepreneurship
Hayden Holdgrafer
Hayden Holdgrafer of the Easton Valley FFA Chapter in Iowa began his supervised agricultural experience (SAE) by renting acres to grow corn, soybeans and hay. The scope of his projects grew each year along with the number of acres he rented. He feels blessed that his SAE has earned him financial footing, agronomic knowledge and life lessons. Holdgrafer is supported by his parents, Keri and Brian, and his FFA advisor, Steven Eskildsen.

Diversified Crop Production – Placement
Wylie Schwebach
Wylie Schwebach of the Moriarty FFA Chapter in New Mexico works on the family’s 2,500-acre irrigated grain and forage production operation. The farm produces 1,050 acres of corn, 740 acres of alfalfa, 610 acres of triticale, and 100 acres of barley each year. He is trusted with the management of planting, monitoring, and evaluating, and maintenance and operation of the equipment. Schwebach is supported by his parents, Shannon and Ryan, and his FFA advisor, Cole Andes.

Diversified Horticulture – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Nash McKenzie
Nash McKenzie of the Boonville FFA Chapter in Missouri built his own business in 2019. Home Exterior Services does everything from mulching and pulling weeds to yard design and installation. His equipment includes a SCAG V-Ride 52-inch standing mower, a Turf Tiger 61-inch zero turn mower, trimmers, and leaf blowers. McKenzie is supported by his parents, Heather and Nash, and his FFA advisors Douglas Henke and Deanna Schnuck.

Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Creyton Line
Creyton Line of the Sumner-Eddyville-Miller FFA Chapter in Nebraska focuses on protection and conservation of the natural resources at his family’s Triangle J Ranch. He plants tree lanes, transplants cedar trees, builds terraces, and waters and fertilizes trees. Line also removes volunteer plants like musk thistles and other harmful vegetation. He is supported by his parents, Annette and Darby, and his FFA advisors Emily Reitz and Katie Hothem.

Fiber and/or Oil Crop Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Matthew Gossett
Matthew Gossett of the Lynchburg-Clay FFA Chapter in Ohio began his supervised agricultural experience (SAE) in the fall of 2019 when he rented 12 acres of ground to farm soybeans. He’s since increased his land to 43 acres. Gossett also works his family’s soybean farm of 662 acres. He plants, fertilizes, sprays and harvests the crop. He is supported by his parents, Lori and Ronnie, and his FFA advisor, Dara Landess.

Forage Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Korbin Smith
Korbin Smith of the Hydro-Eakly FFA Chapter in Oklahoma works on his family’s farm, consisting of 2,200 acres growing high quality forages and a diverse mix of grass and cropland. Raising hay, growing grass, utilizing cover crops, and growing wheat and rye pastures has helped him understand the importance of good management practices and working towards a sustainable operation. Smith services the farm equipment, learning the importance of doing routine maintenance. He is supported by his parents, Kendra and Randall, and his FFA advisor, Chris Klaassen.

Forest Management and Products – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Braedon Raven
Braedon Raven of the Klein FFA Chapter in Texas works at the Old Time Christmas Tree Farm. The 40 acres has approximately 10,000 Virginia pine and cypress trees. He plants, manages, and grows these trees each year, in addition to staking and clipping them. Raven utilizes irrigation systems, pest control methods and natural colorants. He is supported by his parents, Lynn and Brian, and his FFA advisors Rebecca Brummond, Michael Brummond, Clayton Bill and Emery Spence.

Outdoor Recreation – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Morgan Hodge
Morgan Hodge of the West Liberty FFA Chapter in Iowa was introduced to trapshooting and outdoor recreation when she took her first hunter’s safety course at the age of 12. Her father and grandfather were avid trapshooters who taught her about shooting sports and hunting. She works at a gun club, maintaining safety protocols, providing lawn care, reclaiming lead, and maintaining target throwing machines. Hodge is supported by her parents, Roberta and Stewart, and her FFA advisors Elyse Buysse and Zachary Morris.

Wildlife Production and Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
Thomas D. Dehoff
Thomas D. Dehoff of the Screven County High FFA Chapter in Georgia began raising bobwhite and Tennessee red varieties of quail when he was in the seventh grade. Working with his father and brother, the three raise flocks of quail through the brooder barn on six-week rotations. Since 2017, he has raised and marketed 40,535 quail. Dehoff is supported by his parents, Melina and Robert, and his FFA advisors Nancy Sell, Zach Weaver and Cali Smith.

The National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 945,000 student members as part of 9,163 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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