Agricultural proficiency awards honor FFA members who, through supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. Students compete in areas ranging from agricultural communications to wildlife management. Proficiency awards are also recognized at local and state levels and provide recognition to members exploring and becoming established in agricultural career pathways.
Oklahoma FFA has four National Winners that were honored at the 96th National FFA Convention. Here are details and interviews with those four:
2023 Diversified Agricultural Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement Brant Failes

Brant Failes of the Cherokee FFA Chapter in Oklahoma began his supervised agricultural experience (SAE) with a small commercial cow herd, a bull and 20 rented acres of wheat farm ground. He has expanded his program to include replacement heifers, meat goats, bottle calves, 120 acres of farm ground and 35 acres of grass pasture. He pays cash rent for the 120 total acres of wheat ground and for the equipment he uses. Failes is supported by his parents, Gayla and David, and his FFA advisor, Christy Snider.
2023 Equine Science – Entrepreneurship– Madilynn Jayde Campbell

Madilynn Jayde Campbell of the Adair FFA Chapter in Oklahoma raises and trains halter quarter horses using her family’s open stall barn and arena. Her project began with three foundation quarter horses gifted to her by her grandfather. She now has seven mares and geldings and a large clientele. She closely tracks all feed, veterinary and equipment expenses. Campbell is supported by her parents, Becky and Shanon, and her FFA advisors Devin DeLozier and Shane Johnson.
2023 Small Animal Production and Care – Entrepreneurship/Placement– Payton Irick

Payton Irick of the Seminole FFA Chapter in Oklahoma raises Yorkshire terriers and Yorkie-poodle mixed designer dogs that are non-shedding and hypoallergenic. She began with one female and used a corner of her parents’ office to raise the first litter of puppies. She’s invested in more females and ensures stellar health, cleanliness and socialization of all puppies. Irick is supported by her parents, Heather and Shawn, and her FFA advisor, Amber Day.
Hear more about the growth of Irick’s business and her unique marketing strategy in an interview with Broadcast Desk Intern, Lydia Johnson.
2023 Forage Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement National Proficiency Winner Korbin Smith

Korbin Smith of the Hydro-Eakly FFA Chapter in Oklahoma works on his family’s farm, consisting of 2,200 acres growing high quality forages and a diverse mix of grass and cropland. Raising hay, growing grass, utilizing cover crops, and growing wheat and rye pastures has helped him understand the importance of good management practices and working towards a sustainable operation. Smith services the farm equipment, learning the importance of doing routine maintenance. He is supported by his parents, Kendra and Randall, and his FFA advisor, Chris Klaassen.
Korbin shares more with Broadcast Desk Intern John Ching.
Our coverage of Oklahoma FFA engaged at the National FFA Convention is being powered by Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Watch for our stories and interviews from Indianapolis on our Website, Daily Email, our statewide Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and our Social Media Channels. Click here for the OKFB website to learn about how they are making a difference in lives of Oklahomans. Oklahoma Farm Bureau supports the youth of rural Oklahoma year round- and reminds you- Together- We Are Rural Oklahoma!