OCWP Round 2 Regional Meetings – Virtual – 12/14/2023

While anyone may attend, we request participation from local officials, water utility suppliers, regulated industry, commercial agricultural producers, economic development entities, and representing organizations.

Each meeting will follow the same agenda:

▪  Provide an OCWP update including a recap of comments we heard at the Round 1 meetings

▪  Facilitate three concurrent breakout sessions. In each session we will work with attendees to identify specific actions or topics that represent the next best steps toward addressing challenges in the following areas:

1. Permitting / Regulations / Policy – production well setback? limiting dedicated acres contiguous to production well? greater enforcement of existing rules? etc.

2. Collaboration / Partnership – regional planning, encouraging best management practices, etc.

3. Funding / Financing – improvements to existing and/or new program ideas, etc.

▪  Provide summary of each breakout group’s discussion

▪  Discuss upcoming OCWP activities.

For those unable to attend in person, a virtual meeting will be held on December 14, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Join the Teams meeting using this link.

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