Kim Anderson Discusses Crop Prices as Corn, Soybean, and Cotton Harvest Continue

Listen to Kim Anderson give the latest update on the crop markets.

As the Oklahoma soybean, corn, and cotton harvests are underway, this week on SUNUP is Oklahoma State University Extension grain market economist Kim Anderson, talking about the prices of these commodities and harvest.

“Looking at corn, they have been taking a beating over the last month or so,” Anderson said. “It looked like they have bottomed out. They went down to $4.45, somewhere in that range, and back up to $4.54.”

The harvest of corn is 95 percent complete in Oklahoma, Anderson said, and the stocks-use ratio is predicted to be 26 percent, which is slightly below the average.

Soybeans had close to an 80-cent rally, Anderson said, as about 60 percent of the crop has been harvested in Oklahoma. Soybean stocks are high around the world, Anderson said, but tight in the U.S.

Cotton is coming in better than expected, Anderson said, and is 45 percent harvested in Oklahoma.

“You would expect cotton prices to bottom out here, and maybe come up, but they have taken a beating because of this increased production or above expectation on production,” Anderson said.

On the wheat side, Anderson said most of the wheat has been sold and prices have bottomed out.

“You would expect an above-average wheat price, and at six dollars, it is about 40 percent above average,” Anderson said.

This week on SUNUP: 

  • SUNUP heads to Blaine County to meet a farming family and see how their cotton harvest is progressing. 
  • Harvey Schroeder, executive director emeritus of the Oklahoma Cotton Council, gives an update on how the cotton crop looks overall in the state. 
  • Wes Lee, OSU Mesonet agricultural coordinator, shows how the lack of rain impacts the soil moisture maps. State climatologist Gary McManus says warmer weather is on its way again next week. 
  • Derrell Peel, OSU Extension livestock marketing specialist, explains why bigger feeder cattle numbers are declining. 
  • Kim Anderson, OSU Extension grain marketing specialist, breaks down the summer crop prices as harvest is wrapping up. 

Watch SUNUP:

Saturday at 7:30 a.m. & Sunday at 6 a.m. on OETA (PBS)

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