NCBA’s Josh White Emphasizes the Value of Beef Quality Assurance and New Additions to the Program

Listen to Ron Hays talk with Josh White about Beef Quality Assurance.

Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster, Ron Hays, is talking with the Senior Executive Director of Producer Education and Sustainability at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Josh White, about Beef Quality Assurance.

Beef Quality Assurance is a program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers on how good husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management conditions.

Just this summer, White says new BQA content has been developed to encourage ranchers to complete BQA training and provide a better understanding to the consumer of what that training means.

“Not only do you need to be BQA certified to make sure you are doing the right thing at home and just brush up on your production technique, but that is a way to stand up for the industry because it is going all the way to the consumer now,” White said.

Beef Quality Assurance, White said, is about tying great production practices and good cattle care with high-quality and safe beef.

“It is about doing the right thing every day,” White said.

While some may not have gone through the program in a few years, White said he recommends going through it again because of the value of the new content available.

For those who are already certified, White said they can visit and participate in continuing education modules.

“You can start getting re-certified through continuing education,” White said.

White also talked about BQA funding to start the Youth for Quality Care of Animals Platform.

“If you are showing multiple species, it actually touches each of those in an age-appropriate way, from 8 to 21,” White said. “The content sophistication is graduated as those kids grow in age, and we are really excited about that platform as well.”

The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and is a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR for today’s show and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.

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