4 County Beef Seminar Coming up January 17th


You won’t want to miss this great opportunity! Make sure to RSVP by Monday, January 15th, to secure your spot! Call our office if you have any questions.

4 County Beef Seminar coming up Wednesday, January 17th, from 9 am to 12 pm at the Custer County Fairgrounds, 1738 US Hwy 183 in Clinton Oklahoma.

There will be several great speakers on hand with Topics including cattle marketing and futures, cow/calf nutrition, and risk managment.

Derrell Peel, OSU Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist

Marty New, OSU Extension West Area Livestock Specialist

Dr. Rosslyn Biggs, DVM, Beef Cattle Extension Specialist

Lunch will also be served, but please RSVP So they will know how many to feed. You can RSVP by calling the Washita County OSU Extension Office at (580) 832-3356

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