Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Intern Maci Carter is visiting with CHS Agronomy product manager Tim Swanson about some of the latest innovations and opportunities in crop protection and nutrition.
CHS Agronomy supplies crop nutrients, crop protection, and specialized agronomy products and services to agricultural cooperatives and retailers across North America.
“Nitrogen stabilizers are really starting to tick up with the high prices,” Swanson said. “Growers really just want to manage the investment and make sure that fertility is available for that growing crop.”
Swanson said using a stabilizer is key to getting the most out of a nitrogen investment.
“Don’t look at fertility as just a one-crop-thing,” Swanson said. “Spread that over five or six years.”
When it comes to making the best decisions in the growing season, Swanson said a good place to start is to look into what worked well the year prior, and where corrections need to be made. Making plans for the season can be difficult at times, Swanson said, due to variability.
“We can make our best plans here in November, but it all changes by the time spring comes around,” Swanson said. “Really, I would just say make that plan again, have some reactionary plans, and communicate with your local agronomist.”
Swanson said the volatility in the crop markets has died down, but there are still some areas to watch, such as demand.
“I think we won’t have the same volatility we dealt with the last few years, but again, being prepared and sharing those plans with your CHS representative is going to help a lot,” Swanson said.