The Oklahoma State Election Board has released its annual voter registration report showing 2,301,188 registered voters in Oklahoma. Oklahoma’s official voter registration statistics are counted every year on January 15.
According to Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax, the largest number of Oklahoma’s voters are Republicans, who make up 51.7% of registered voters. Democrats are the second-largest party with 28.4% of registered voters.
Meanwhile, both the Libertarian Party (which gained recognition in 2016) and Independent voters continue to see steady growth. Libertarians now account for almost 1% of Oklahoma voters and Independents (those with no party affiliation) round out the total with 19% of registered voters.
A comparison of statewide voter registration numbers can be found below:

Historical voter registration numbers can be found on the State Election Board website.
The State Election Board reminds Oklahomans that it is easy to register to vote in Oklahoma. Eligible applicants can register using the OK Voter Portal’s Online Voter Registration System or download a Voter Registration Application from the State Election Board website. Applications are also available at all seventy-seven (77) County Election Boards, most tag agencies, post offices, and libraries. The voter registration deadline for the February elections is January 19. The voter registration deadline for the March elections is February 9.
Current voters who need to make changes to their registration can update their registration online using the OK Voter Portal or by submitting a new Voter Registration Application to their County Election Board.
For more information on voter registration visit our website at