Attorney General Gentner Drummond today commended Gov. Kevin Stitt for signing three new state-tribal compact agreements. The Governor signed tobacco tax compacts with the Chickasaw and Apache nations and approved a car tag agreement with the Chickasaw Nation.
“I have been critical of the Governor on his past dealings with the tribal nations of Oklahoma, but his recent negotiations with the Chickasaw Nation and Apache Tribe to secure sound tobacco compacts and renewal of a successful license tag compact merits praise,” Drummond said. “I commend his efforts with Gov. Bill Anoatubby and Chairman Durell Cooper, who likewise deserve recognition for their exemplary leadership.”
Drummond said the compacting process is the ideal way forward for Oklahoma.
“I continue to believe the most prosperous path for all 4 million Oklahomans is one of mutual cooperation and respect,” he said. “Working with the Native American Tribes of Oklahoma instead of against them will benefit Oklahoma for generations to come — as long as the waters run.”