On this episode of Cow-Calf Corner, Paul Beck, Oklahoma State University Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, talks about upcoming extension events at OSU:
We have some excellent Extension events coming soon to help keep everyone updated on current technologies, management, and economic conditions throughout the region.
The Oklahoma State University Beef Cattle Extension team has announced a Rancher’s Thursday Lunchtime Webinar Series “Successful Timed AI Programs in Commercial Cow Herds“ beginning on February 8th meeting weekly through February 22nd. These free Zoom webinar sessions are scheduled for Thursdays at noon. The sessions on February 8 and 15 feature Dr. Guillermo de Nava who operates a highly efficient and innovative breeding program in Uruguay with the ability to artificially inseminate hundreds of cows per day. The final session on February 22nd features Dr. Richard Prather, who will talk about his successes in using timed AI programs in commercial herds in northwest Oklahoma. Register for this event at: https://okstate-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wtA1lY26QWOR_T8N9emDkQ#/registration .
The Cooperative Extension Service from Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, University of Missouri, and University of Arkansas are providing a joint conference in Missouri and Oklahoma titled the KOMA Beef Cattle Conference located at the MU Southwest Research Extension and Education Center (14548 State Rd H, Mount Vernon, MO 65712) on February 12 and on February 13th at the Donald W. Reynolds Community Center (105 Reynolds Ave. Poteau, OK 74953).
“This year’s conference will update the public on recent research from the 4 universities in cattle feeding, supplementation, reproduction, and grazing management,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist. These presentations will be given by university agricultural graduate students and professors. In addition, there will be a keynote presentation given by James Mitchell who is an extension livestock economist with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. A catered lunch will be provided by MERCK Animal Health, snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the day. To attend the event, register and pay the fee prior to February 8th. Fee for the event is $20 per person. No refunds for cancellations after the registration deadline. For the Mt Vernon, Missouri site register online at https://extension.missouri.edu/events/koma-beef-cattle-conference. To attend at the Poteau, Oklahoma site register by February 7thhttps://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=HclpKknoNE6iMM34sn4ZZNmp-qhrbzVMvlqQ2Ey37_tUMjhJMTFXQzNRSlBVOTNUQkNHNTg0VERYNS4u or email Liana Jones County Extension Ag Educator at liana.jones@okstate.edu
Direct Link to Register: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=HclpKknoNE6iMM34sn4ZZNmp-qhrbzVMvlqQ2Ey37_tUMjhJMTFXQzNRSlBVOTNUQkNHNTg0VERYNS4u