Food and agriculture companies spend a lot of time looking outward – focusing on external image, responding to pressure from adversarial groups, and finding new customers. In the process, these companies often overlook their most critical audience: employees. Hinda Mitchell, founder and president of Inspire PR Group, will share how to turn team members from potential brand assassins to brand ambassadors at the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s 2024 Stakeholders Summit. Check out the full agenda and register by March 8 for the lowest rates here: https://bit.ly/AAA24.
The annual Summit is a one-of-a-kind conference attended by a diverse group of decision makers, including representatives from farms, ranches, allied industries, food processors, restaurants, grocery stores, legislatures, universities, government agencies and media. The 2024 event is themed “Ready, Set, Solve! Advancing Animal Agriculture” and set for May 8-9 in Kansas City, Mo.
“2024 Summit attendees will be scoring big with a dynamic lineup of speakers and sessions,” said Abby Kornegay, manager, issues and engagement, Animal Agriculture Alliance. “The two-day program will cover key topics and issues in agriculture including how to navigate pressure and attacks from animal rights extremist groups. This includes outreach campaigns to current food and agriculture employees in attempts to gain sensitive information. Hinda’s session will be a great place to learn more about building employee engagement and loyalty to prevent these issues.”
In the session “Whose Team Are They On? How Employees Can Make or Break Your Brand,” Mitchell will explore employee engagement and its impact on recruitment and retention, and focus on transparency and purpose as essential workforce strategies. Attendees will learn how to turn team members from potential brand assassins to brand ambassadors, audit their own employer brand, create lasting internal communications and engagement programs that build culture, and secure that first line of defense as employees can often be pressured by animal rights extremist groups to turn their back on their own team.
Mitchell leads Inspire PR Group, a national, multi-service public relations and marketing communications firm based in Columbus, Oh. A trusted counselor to major c-suite executives, she is a sought-after strategic leader and crisis and issues manager for corporate leaders, manufacturers, food companies, higher education, and school districts. She has led crisis management for numerous high-profile, challenging crises during her career, including recalls, labor negotiations, activism, and worker accidents. She has protected the reputations and preserved the brands of hundreds of businesses and organizations in her role. She has passion for employee engagement and positioning major food brands as an employer of choice.
Thank you to our 2024 Summit sponsors: Farm Journal, Meatingplace, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, Watt Global Media, Cargill, Zoetis, American Feed Industry Association, broadhead. + Filament, Merck, United Soybean Board, Dairy MAX, Farm Credit Council, National Pork Producers Council, Smithfield Foods, United Egg Producers, American Farm Bureau Federation, Cobb-Vantress, Inc., Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, Kemin, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, National Chicken Council, National Pork Board, Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care, Progressive Dairy, Protect the Harvest, Sustainable Environmental Consultants, Trans Ova Genetics, Eggland’s Best, North Carolina Farm Bureau, and Vivayic.