Growth Energy Applauds Lawmakers for Supporting GREET Model in Latest Letter to Administration

Growth Energy, the nation’s largest biofuel trade association, commended a large bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers today for urging the Biden administration to finalize its revisions to the Department of Energy’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy Use in Technologies (GREET) model. The lawmakers’ letter also pushes the administration to ensure that the model makes American biofuel producers eligible for tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).  

“As the March 1 deadline for the final version of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) tax credit approaches, this letter reflects broad support from across the country to include biofuels in the SAF opportunity,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor. “GREET is the most accurate model and the only one that accounts for all of the climate-smart innovations happening on farms across America’s heartland. By embracing GREET we can secure a win for both our environment and for the rural economy, as we begin to chart a course forward for American-made sustainable aviation fuel.” 

“We applaud this bipartisan group of lawmakers for protecting the interests of biofuel producers and their farm partners, and for their commitment to using sound science as the basis for awarding tax credits under the IRA,” Skor added.  

The full letter is available here

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