The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed HB 4118 on Monday- a measure that offers protection to poultry growers from litigation as the result of application of poultry litter that is handled under a nutrient management plan approved by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture.
The bill says “land application of poultry litter in compliance with a current Nutrient Management Plan shall not be the basis of criminal or civil liability in Oklahoma. ” It defines such a Plan as one that “a plan approved by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry and not yet revoked or rescinded by the state or suspended
by a more recent plan.”
HB4118, offered by Assistant Majority Whip David Hardin of District 86 in the northeastern corner of the state, is in response to court cases brought against some poultry operations. Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays talked with Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Steve Thompson about the legislation ahead of the Monday vote- you can listen to Thompson’s description of the measure below:
The bill was debated and voted on Monday on the floor of the House- it passed 68to 28. It heads now to the Senate, where it is sponsored by Senator Brent Howard.