As the 2024 spring bull sale at Express Ranches is coming up later this week, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays is talking with the Vice President of Operations at Express Ranches, Kevin Hafner, about the sale. The 2024 sale will be held at the ranch in Yukon, Oklahoma, on Friday, March 1.
When it comes to helping customers decide what bulls will fit best into their individual operations, Hafner said the first step is building relationships with the customers. Hafner said it helps to know a customer’s operation so they can match them with a bull that will help meet their needs and marketing goals.
As each operation is different, Hafner said particular EPDs will be more important to one buyer than the next. Because of this, Hafner said Express Ranch staff spends a significant amount of time working with customers on which livestock will work best for their operation based on the numbers available.
At this year’s sale, there will be 443 Angus bulls available and 53 Hereford bulls.
“We have got some new sires that we are kind of highlighting this year that are new to us,” Hafner said. “One bull that comes to mind is a ‘cover the bases’ bull that we sold a couple of years ago. He is a high carcass bull, really high marbling, but sure above average muscle. He is one that doesn’t look like a high-marbling bull. This bull has got some thickness and stoutness, and we are offering about 25 to 30 of those sons in this sale.”
Beyond what will be sold in the 2024 bull sale at Express Ranches, Hafner said he is excited about new genetics coming down the pipeline for next year.
“We try to keep fresh, new genetics, and keep this thing moving forward,” Hafner said. “Don’t get off in any fads or any trends, and try to keep good, sound, functional cattle that work in a lot of environments and a lot of geographical areas. That is a challenge we deal with, and we try to put together strings of bulls for people who go out and work to add value for them.”
To check out the sale book for this year’s bull sale, CLICK HERE.
To see videos, CLICK HERE.
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