Ag Secretary Blayne Arthur Travels to Northwestern Oklahoma to Assess Wildfire Damage

Listen to Ron Hays talk with Blayne Arthur about the recent wildfires.

On Wednesday, Oklahoma Secretary of Ag Blayne Arthur traveled to northwestern Oklahoma to assess the wildfire damage and talk with farmers, ranchers, firefighters and the agribusiness community in the area. Calling in after meeting with several producers, she talked with Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays about those conversations and what she was seeing.

With members of the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association Staff, Arthur said she was able to visit with producers directly and see damages firsthand.

“No question, (it is) incredibly devastating for so many producers, and I think it is helpful for me to share that story when I have had the chance to talk with producers directly,” Arthur said. “A lot of resources have been directed out here already, but I have certainly learned a lot today, and there is a lot more work to be done.”

Arthur said many places are completely charred to the ground. Speaking specifically to Ellis County, Arthur said over 1,000 cattle have been lost.

“I think the really tough piece for folks that live out here is that they did get some great moisture last year, a little bit of unusual moisture, and they have tried to be really good stewards and get some grass out there in a lot of places, but that became so challenging because the grass is dormant,” Arthur said. “So much of it has burned.”

Arthur said one producer she spoke with lost over 80 miles of fence in the fires.

“They typically don’t get a lot of moisture, so there was a lot of discussion today about how long they would have to be caking and haying cows,” Arthur said.

Arthur said during this difficult time, producers need to be sure and document losses, because those records will be needed when applying for USDA grants such as the Emergency Conservation Program or the  Livestock Indemnity Program.

The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation website has information on applying for funding, where to find resources, drop-off locations, donation links, and more at

Ranchers in Texas who have been impacted can also utilize the Texas Panhandle Fire Relief Fund established by the Texas Farm Bureau.

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