On Tuesdays, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster, Ron Hays, visits with Ben Hale of Western Livestock Auctions as he talks about the latest in the markets and more. Established in 1995, Western has grown into a multi-generational family-owned and operated business and stands as a symbol of tradition, excellence, and a deep-rooted passion for the cattle industry. Western Livestock Auctions is located in Oklahoma City, Woodward, and Comanche.
Runs were lighter this week at the Oklahoma National Stockyards, but Hale says this is a seasonal trend. Despite lower runs, Hale said numbers were still close to 700 above a year ago.
Looking at prices, Hale said this week had some of the “hottest” he has seen, especially the grazing cattle that are going out to wheat.
“It is good every year; it is just that this year is an extremely high price,” Hale said.
The Cattle on Feed numbers coming out later this week may influence trade for a time.
“Placements in April and March are probably going to be pretty low, so that tends to make it seem like this market will have higher numbers,” Hale said.
At the Woodward livestock auction next Tuesday, Hale said there will be a special cow sale open for ranchers to market some of their cows or buy.
“We have got a pretty good cow deal coming to Comanche next Wednesday,” Hale said. “We will be a little lighter, but the market will be stout.”
Hale can be contacted at 940-631-2333.