The top seven wheat varieties planted in Oklahoma in 2024 were developed at Oklahoma State University, according to the USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Service’s annual report. This is the 10th consecutive year that OSU varieties have ranked in the top seven varieties planted statewide.
“The adoption of OSU wheat varieties across the state highlights the value that the OSU Wheat Improvement Team brings to the industry,” said Wade Thomason, head of the OSU Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. “Dr. Brett Carver’s pursuit of excellence generates varieties that provide the highest level of performance while thriving in Oklahoma’s challenging environment. As a public breeding program, OSU can focus on the needs of the Oklahoma wheat grower and deliver varieties that provide the most value now and into the future.”
Doublestop CL Plus remains the most planted wheat variety in the state for the third consecutive year and has been a top three variety since 2019. Smith’s Gold has remained in the top four since 2020, moving up to the third most planted variety in 2024.
The following OSU wheat varieties are the top seven planted varieties in the state in 2024:
- Doublestop CL Plus at 9.6% of seeded acres identified by name – up from 8.5% in 2023
- Green Hammer at 7% – up from 5.3%
- Smith’s Gold at 6.6%
- Gallagher at 5.1%
- Showdown at 3.3% – up from 2.1%
- Endurance at 3.3% – up from 2.1%
- OK Corral at 2.1 % – up from 1.6%
OSU varieties Iba, Strad CL Plus, Bentley, Uncharted, OK Bullet, Butler’s Gold, Duster and Garrison were also planted in Oklahoma this year.
“As producers find more efficient ways to manage operations, they look at varieties that have good yield characteristics and strong disease resistance. The OSU wheat research team also places strong emphasis on these attributes,” said Mike Schulte, executive director of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission. “These key components and main-stay attributes continue to be important when giving producers choices for making variety selection decisions.”
In 2023, the OSU Wheat Improvement Team released a new variety called High Cotton, a dual-purpose wheat that has broad disease resistance and significantly raises yield. The variety was released to seed producers in summer 2023 with limited commercial grain production expected to begin in fall 2024.
OSU Ag Research is Oklahoma’s premier research and technology development agency in agriculture, natural resources and the life sciences.
By Alisa Boswell-Gore