On Monday, a rare total solar eclipse will be seen in a belt from southwest Texas to New York. The biggest concern will be the traffic, with lots of tourists driving unfamiliar roads and clogged towns during the many festivals planned this weekend.
The eclipse’s path will then move through the United States, entering Texas and traveling across Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Additionally, small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will experience the total solar eclipse.
Airbnb’s Hotels and campgrounds have all been booked for months leading up to this event, with campers and viewers worldwide waiting to get a look. Nasa has provided an interactive Map that viewers can look at to gauge the location of the eclipse and learn more about the visitiblity to see it. Some ag producers have opened up their farms for viewing opportunities, while others have taken precautions to make sure their farmland is not disrupted during the eclipse viewing.
Check out the 2024 Eclipse Explorer Here:
According to Ag Daily, there are some tips on how Farmers can Prepare for the Solar Eclipse:
1. Secure the farm property.
Farm and farmstead security has been the topic of many discussions as it relates to the upcoming solar eclipse. Depending on traffic congestion and proximity of fields, barn lots, and homesteads, visiting motorists may just pull off the road wherever they are at the time the eclipse begins. This could lead to wandering around of uninvited guests both young and old. Farmers and farmland owners can take several steps to secure the property and prevent access.
- First, walk around the farm with someone who has a fresh set of eyes, such as a relative, a neighbor, or a non-farm friend. Have them help identify potential dangers that would appear open, interesting, or attractive to an uninvited guest on the farm. This can be helpful, as we become desensitized to dangers that we see daily and we tend to overlook them.
- Take inventory of all equipment and equipment locations prior to April 8th. Remove keys and lock cabs for all equipment in a non-secured building, if possible, or if not possible, remove battery cables off batteries or install a battery disconnect switch.
- Special care should be taken with anhydrous ammonia tanks. Do not leave nurse tanks sitting in fields, and remove hoses when they are not in use.
- Lock all shops and storage buildings, especially areas where pesticides are stored.
- Secure all ladders to grain bins, silos, hay lofts, etc.
- Restrict entry to drives, pits, and lagoons with gates and barricades.
- Livestock operations should not have high biosecurity concerns since eclipse viewers are likely to be “low risk visitors” who do not interact with other livestock facilities. But to avoid biosecurity concerns and reduce the risk of introductions of new diseases, keep livestock inside and keep barns and gates locked.
- Post “No Trespassing” signs at all points of entry to barn yards and fields.
- Finally, an added measure to help you in case of an incident or claim is to document what you’ve done by taking notes, pictures and/or videos of all areas you’ve secured.
2. Understand trespass laws.
Trespassers can create problems for farmland owners, and It’s common for landowners to want to protect their property from trespassers. Likewise, landowners don’t want to live in fear of being liable for harm a trespasser suffers on the property.
It’s important for landowners to understand the rights and responsibilities our trespass laws establish.
- Be proactive and post warnings or notices of potential dangers and perils on the property.
- Install barriers around dangerous conditions where possible, or complete elimination of the dangers when possible is ideal.
- Deter trespassers by posting “No Trespassing” signs and “Warning” signs on property boundaries.
- Do not set any type of trap that could cause intentional harm to a trespasser.
- Do not pursue or attack a trespasser or hold a trespasser against their will unless the person has committed a felony, such as murder.
- Do not use excessive or deadly force against a trespasser who is not endangering a person.
- If the situation warrants, call law enforcement rather than escalating a trespassing situation. Be aware that law enforcement response times may be slower than normal due to the increased population and traffic in the area.
3. Know the responsibilities of invited guests.
If a farmland owner is considering inviting guests onto the farm to view the eclipse, participate in eclipse events, or camp or stay overnight, three major areas raise legal and safety concerns: liability, insurance, licensing, and permits.
Landowners are encouraged to deal with dangerous conditions, look into their state’s immunity laws, and check with their insurance agents. If you’re serving food, you’ll need to check with local zoning and the health department to verify if permits are required and how to acquire proper licensing. Then, make sure invited vendors are properly licensed.
4. Plan ahead for farming activities.
Many agencies are advising people, regardless of whether they live in rural or urban areas, to prepare as if a winter storm is approaching due to the anticipated disruptions caused by the upcoming solar eclipse. Cell phone service may be impacted, travel is expected to be affected, and services like deliveries and repair technicians may experience delays. The extent of the event’s impact on specific areas and farms will depend on weather forecasts and the travel patterns of visitors.
This “eclipse storm” is expected to coincide with a critical period for spring farming activities. Overnight travel by spectators to prime viewing locations is anticipated to occur over the weekend of April 6-7. Visitors staying for the weekend or making day trips to these areas are likely to depart immediately after the event concludes on April 8. If weather and field conditions permit, farming activities may be underway during these times, potentially causing delays. Farmers may also have to contend with increased traffic and disruptions on rural roads due to the influx of visitors.
5. Be prepared to react to an incident.
We all know that the best preparation can reduce risk, but there’s still the possibility of an incident occurring. If there is an incident during the solar eclipse period, a farmer must also be prepared to react to the incident. Doing so can minimize the risk of harm or liability.
Farms might consider making a list of actions to take such as calling local law enforcement or emergency services if necessary, having a first aid kit on hand for minor injurities, and making sure you call the insurance agency in the event of property damage or liability.