Farm Director KC Sheperd is back talking with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets. Rodenberger said runs this week were larger than last week, but prices were lower.
“It is the time of year where seasonally we are starting to get cheaper,” Rodenberger said. “It doesn’t matter how many cattle are out there to come. They are all going to come basically at the same time because wheat runs out in Oklahoma at the same time. It starts a week earlier to two weeks earlier in the South. As it works North, all of the wheat is getting ready, and all of those cattle have got to move.”
Rodenberger said cattle are not moving out of feed yards quickly because the cost of gain is cheaper, so they are holding them a little longer.
“You throw all of that together, and you have cattle not moving out of the yard as quickly as they should be, and you have all the cattle coming available moving as they should be, and they meet, and we are in a box here for a minute,” Rodenberger said.
Rodenberger said the markets are not expected to be any better next week, as they have been steady at best.
“It is that time of year, and they are probably going to take it further down than we want it, but that is the ebb and flow of the market, and if we have got protection, you just get up, go do what you do best, and put it to bed,” Rodenberger said. “The market is the market. Your basis is your basis.”