The Beef Advocate contest was held this past Friday at OKC West Stockyards. The contest is a statewide competition open to Oklahoma youth from grades 5th – 12th at OKC West Stockyards in conjunction with the commercial cattle grading scholarship contest.
The students were judged in several categories:
1. Media—The contestant will participate in a mock media interview. The interviewer will ask pre-determined questions and have the option to ask follow-up questions. A panel of judges will observe the interaction for knowledge, articulation, poise, and the contestant’s ability to explain beef production and present the beef community in a positive manner.
2. Peer—A staged conversation between a contestant and his/her peer that includes beef production and/or nutrition. A panel of judges will observe each contestant’s ability to relay to their peers appropriate and accurate information regarding the beef community and beef nutrition.
In the Senior Division, First place went to Bridger Arrington, an 11th grader at Mulhall Orlando FFA. Second place went to Allison Schneeberger, an 11th grader at Newkirk FFA, and third place went to Baylee Weatherford, a Senior at Vallient FFA.
Raylynn Parsons, a 7th grader at Valliant FFA, was first in the Junior Division. 2nd Place went to Berkley McKay, an 8th grader at Mulhall Orlando FFA, and 3rd place went to Jamie Parsons, a 5th grader from Vallient 4H.