2024 Ag in the Classroom Contest Winners

Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom recently announced overall winners for the 2024 Ag in the Classroom Contest. The five students who received overall winner awards were honored earlier this week at Ag Day at the Capitol.

The contest asked students to create and submit posters depicting the theme “Agriculture is Everywhere”. PreK-12th grade students were challenged to look around at the agriculture they experience every day.

“We wanted the contest theme to create an opportunity for students to recognize the impact that agriculture plays in their own lives,” said AITC Coordinator Emily Ague. “Even if a student doesn’t live on a farm, they eat, wear clothing, and use numerous products every day made from agriculture.”

The categories included a PreK-2nd grade coloring contest, a 3rd-12th grade poster contest, and a 9th-12th grade photography contest. The contest received 2,148 entries from across the state of Oklahoma.

“Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom provides a list of lessons and student resources for teachers to introduce the theme and contest in their classrooms,” Ague said. “This helps create a foundation of agricultural knowledge for the students who participate, so they can start to see that agriculture really is everywhere. We want to continue to increase agricultural literacy in Oklahoma schools.”

The First-Third Place students were recognized at their schools by state AITC Coordinators. The students received citations from their legislators, a framed version of their artwork, and a medal and gift card sponsored by the Oklahoma Beef Council.

Five overall winners were recognized with their teachers during Ag Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, April 16 at the Oklahoma State Capitol. They received citations from their legislators, a framed version of their artwork, a plaque, and a medal and gift card sponsored by the Oklahoma Beef Council.

The teachers of the overall winners received a gift card for their classroom from the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee.

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