Bob Rodenberger Says Cattle Market Generally Good this week

Listen to KC and Bob Rodenberger talk about cattle markets for the week.

Farm Director KC Sheperd is visiting with Bob Rodenbgers, a Partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets. Rodenbger started off the conversation by asking for prayers as the wife of David Gage, a longtime partner at Stockman’s for many years. David’s wife passed away yesterday.

Rodenberger said he saw a generally good market with higher cattle prices this week. They observed a trend of feed yards holding cattle longer, which could impact the market positively or negatively. Rodenbger also predicted a boost in the market due to a drop in numbers going to the feed yard, “Whatever’s out there in the next two to three weeks is whats going to come to town. We may start seeing some bigger runs because these cattle will all have to come off wheat.”

Rodengerger reported that the market was generally good: “We’re selling cattle $20 to $30 higher than last year, and we get complacent. We think everything is still worth the ultimate height, and we are still at an ultimate height.” Rodenberger mentioned a trend of feed yards holding cattle for longer to control supply, which could positively and negatively impact the market.

Next week, Rodenberger said we may see an increase in runs compared to what we are selling now because cattle will be coming off wheat. Once those cattle come in, Rodenberger said runs may be lighter till August but believes we can maintain the feeder market.

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