Tag: agriculture

Israeli Tour Guide Mark Kedem Talks About The Cultural Aspects of What Class XX of OALP is Experiencing

Sat, 18 Feb 2023 22:17:27 CST

 Israeli Tour Guide Mark Kedem Talks About The Cultural Aspects of What Class XX of OALP is Experiencing

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Oklahoma Farm Report’s Ron Hays is traveling with Class XX of the Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program in the nation of Israel. This is the capstone experience for the normally two year program that has extended into the Class’s third year because of COVID, and each Class has gone to a different international location to study the Agriculture and culture of that destination.

Our conversation today is with one of two tour guides working with the trip to facilitate and educate along the way. Mark Kedem is South African by birth but migrated to Israel in the early 1980s- and worked to become a certified tour guide in Israel- working with English language groups that travel here.

Ron and Mark discuss the unique role in history that Israel has played on the world stage- including the intersectrion of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the ancient city of Jerusalem. They also talk about the political realities in this country that make it, as Mark describes, a very complicated part of the world.

And- they talk about the precious resource that drives a lot of what makes Isreal so unique- water.

LIsten to Ron and Mark as they discuss the travels across Israel of Class XX of the Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program by clicking on the listen bar.

Learn more about the program by clicking here.


Ron Hays talks with Isreali Tour Guide Mark Kedem Traveling with OALP

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