Women play a vital role in all agriculture farm and ranch operations, from bookkeepers to mechanics and everything in between. Hear from women who are overcomers in the ag industry and meet others who can relate to your struggles and achievements. This will be a night of innovation, encouragement and unification of women in agriculture …
Tag: womeninag
Jun 21
Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation Women’s Seminar Coming up in September
Join us on September 21, 2023 starting at 9:00 AM at the OSU Alumni Center in Click Hall! OSU Alumni Center Address: 201 W University Ave, Stillwater, OK Cost: $40 to register by September 1st and $50 at the door; $20 for Students with ID …
Jun 20
Women’s ag conference open to Participants Statewide
Oklahoma State University Extension will host the AgricultHer Women in Ag Conference June 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Eastern Oklahoma State College Student Center Ballroom in Wilburton. The conference registration deadline is June 14. Those interested in participating can obtain a registration form from their local county office or register online. The $30 registration …