KC Sheperd, Farm Director, is back talking with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets.
The demand for cattle weighing 600 and under, Rodenberger said, has been tremendous.
“Somebody’s got to have some grass or wheat prospects because they’re buying these light cattle, and awful good demand on them,” Rodenberger said.
Rodenberger said he thinks most of these light cattle are going to Northeast Oklahoma and the Flint Hills, where there is adequate moisture.
“The 15th of April is when they’ll start turning out up there, but that’s where a lot of these calves are going,” Rodenberger said. “Of course, a lot of them are being bought up and put on in grow yards.”
There will be fewer cattle available, Rodenberger said, from now through the rest of the year. Prices right now, he added, are good.
“The biggest thing we have got to look at in our business is we’ve got to keep moving the product,” Rodenberger said. “I don’t know what the level of, you know, the consumer will quit paying for. I mean right now, he’s still buying beef. We’re still selling hamburger meat.”
Cow numbers are down, Rodenberger said, and different cuts of the carcass are going to need to be utilized for hamburger meat. Looking into next week, Rodenberger said he sees the runs being lighter in Oklahoma City due to weather, and cattle being grazed out for another 45 days or so.