Reports Detailing 2022 National Beef Quality Audit Results Now Available

Approximately every five years, the beef cattle industry undergoes a National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA), funded by the Beef Checkoff, to help determine quality conformance of the U.S. beef supply. Reports detailing 2022 NBQA results are now available at The Market Cows and Bulls and Fed Cattle reports outline where the beef supply chain is making positive changes as well as areas for improvement. 

“The NBQA gives us an idea of what we need to be focusing on as an industry,” said Dr. Trey Patterson, CEO of Padlock Ranch and chair of the Beef Quality Assurance Advisory Group. “We can celebrate successes in safety, quality and efficiency and we can challenge ourselves on what we can do better.” 

Since 1991, the NBQA provides an understanding of what quality means to the various industry sectors, and the value of those quality attributes. This research helps the industry make modifications necessary to increase the value of its products. 

The findings from the 2022 NBQA serve to improve quality, minimize economic loss, and aid in advancements in producer education for the U.S. beef industry. The 2022 NBQA provides valuable information about the production of live cattle into beef carcasses and serves as a benchmark for the beef industry.

The NBQA remains an important measure for the U.S. beef industry as it strives to improve quality and consumer demand. Results from the 2022 NBQA can be utilized by all segments of beef production to improve upon current management practices and implement innovative techniques ultimately enhancing consistency and quality of cattle and beef products across the U.S. beef supply chain.

For more information about the 2022 National Beef Quality Audit and to read the reports, visit the Beef Quality Assurance website at A special episode of Cattlemen to Cattlemen highlighting 2022 NBQA results is available at

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