Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Intern Maci Carter had a chance to visit with Lauren Minyard about the Women in Ag Conference she is hosting in August. Minyard shared what topics to expect, who the event will be beneficial for, where to sign up and more.
“This year’s Women in Ag Conference will be made up of five different breakout sessions,” Minyard said. “There are 20 different topics in total.”
After reviewing last year’s evaluations, Minyard tried to curate the best breakout lineup possible for the desires of the attendees. From crops to calf production, grapes and all things winery, chickens, and her personal favorite, wills and trusts, Minyard intends on covering a vast breadth of topics to cover as many interests as possible.
“This is open to anybody and everybody, so all ages, all skills,” Minyard said. “You can be just starting out or you can be somebody who has been doing it for 20-30 plus years. It’s really open to anyone who would love to come and we would love to have everyone there.”
Just as the topics are diverse, people from all backgrounds and experiences are welcome at the Women in Agriculture Conference. Minyard is sure there will be something there for everyone.
“I am, as you know, a female and a woman, a mom, I also have a farm; it’s really hard to be away overnight,” Minyard said. “So, we took this conference this year down to one day, but I will say that I have it packed full.”
Understanding the struggle herself of taking the time for the conference, Minyard has made some changes to the schedule this year. Rather than being a two day event like the past, the schedule has been cut to one day, however just as jam packed with information as ever.
“This year’s Women in Ag Conference will be at the Hilton Garden Inn and Conference Center in Edmond,” Minyard said. “It’s going to be on Thursday, August 3, and it’s going to start at eight o’clock in the morning, go till about 4:45 in the afternoon.”
The cut off date to preregister is July 20th and the cost will be $65. If you miss the deadline, no worries. Minyard will take registration after that date, however the cost will be $100.
“If you need any information about conference, you know, you can check all our social media sites, and then we have a Women in Ag website, and that’s where you can go to register and sign up.”
For more information, check out the Women in Ag Conference website.