As the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress edges closer, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster, Ron Hays is visiting with the Vice President of the show, Bray Haven.
The show will run from December 30, 2023, through January 11, 2024, at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds.
“It is really hard to believe we are rolling around on number four and that the people of Oklahoma and cattlemen across the country have embraced Cattlemen’s Congress like they have,” Haven said.
Haven said the deadline for entries has passed, but they are still taking a few late entries. Entries right now are near 8000, Haven said, and he projects that the entries will total close to 9000 by the time of the show.
“We are right around the same numbers we have been the past several years; right around that 8000-entry mark,” Haven said.
One part of Cattlemen’s Congress that sets the show apart, Haven said, is the pen show. In the pen show, many individuals will bring in groups of three or more cattle to compete.
“It is a really unique atmosphere for showing cattle, having all of the open shows and juniors in the barns,” Haven said. “It is a fun two weeks.”
Haven said that over half of the beef breed entries at Cattleen’s Congress have grown year-over-year.
“I think that is a good sign for what we are doing and the momentum that we have here,” Haven said. “I credit that back to our leadership team, our board, and the vision they had for the show, and really the emphasis that we put on listening to our exhibitors and trying to make this experience better for them.”
Haven also gives credit to the people of Oklahoma for the support of the show and the sales that take place. Haven said a few new sales have been added to the mix this year.
“Whether they are selling them in a sale or selling them out of the back of a barn, there are people that are coming that are interested in buying their cattle,” Haven said.
Many beef breeds have merged their national shows and national sales along with Cattlemen’s Congress.
“A lot of the big breeds have their sales here, but there is a sale for about anything you can imagine,” Haven said. “If there is not a sale for them, I am sure there is somebody in the barn willing to sell to you, whether it is a bull or a high-quality female to take back home to your herd.”
On January 4th and 5th, Haven said there will be a few different free cattlemen lunches on site. Parking and entry into the show is free.
“Come get a free ribeye steak sandwich, and come check out some cattle,” Haven said.
The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and is a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR for today’s show and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.