NAFB Spotlights Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Intern Maci Carter

Information about applying for Radio Oklahoma Ag Network’s 2024 summer internship can be found at the bottom of the page.

The National Association of Farm Broadcasters has featured an article spotlighting our very own Maci Carter! Read below:

My radio internship has changed my life. My name is Maci Carter, and I’m originally from Marion, Ohio. Last fall, I started college at Oklahoma State University, double majoring in agricultural business and communications with a minor in agricultural leadership. Like most students, I was unsure about my future career. Luckily, the Oklahoma State Agricultural Communications Club hosted an Internship Night that led me to KC Sheperd and the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network team. To say radio scared me would be an understatement. However, after talking to KC Sheperd and my coworker, Reagan Calk, that night, I decided to try working this industry for one summer.

Once I joined Radio Oklahoma Ag Network in the summer of 2023, the most significant things I gained were confidence, connections, and technical skills. Since this was my first internship and “real world” job, I felt underqualified and lacked confidence in my abilities. My experience couldn’t have been further from the opposite. This internship gave me confidence in my capabilities, taught me to rely on my skills, and helped me realize farm broadcasting is an industry in which I could thrive. It also connected me to the agricultural community beyond what I imagined. I’m so grateful my bosses and coworkers have fully immersed me in what it means to be a part of this industry and allowed me to attend all types of events with them over the summer. My technical skills also grew. Practicing writing articles, editing audio, and using microphones and software of all kinds gave me valuable knowledge that will set me ahead in my future classes and career opportunities.

The summer also left me with lots of unforgettable memories and positive experiences. My favorite memories include attending the World Pork Expo; getting my car stuck in Lahoma, Oklahoma, at a field day; and attending the Women in Ranching Conference at the Growing Paynes Farm in Mustang, Oklahoma. Each event allowed me to interact with individuals from all sides and sizes of industries.

Interviewing Scott Hays and Duane Stateler, the president and vice president of the National Pork Producers Council, at the World Pork Expo in Ames, Iowa, was unforgettable. Having the freedom from my bosses to attend alone and their confidence in me was so amazing to experience. Lahoma Wheat Day was the event where I conducted my first interview. If that wasn’t memorable enough, it rained all day, leading to my car getting stuck in the field. What could’ve been disastrous turned into an unforgettable, fun memory as I experienced the hospitality and help of many producers and professors. They covered my hair from the rain and pulled out my car as I sat inside. Finally, experiencing the passion of the women at the Growing Paynes Farm is a distinctive memory from my internship. This was the first event I attended with the team, and it was so inspiring to see so many women of all ages wanting to gain skills and improve their farming operations. Their passion for agriculture was contagious and certainly started my internship on the right foot. In conclusion, my internship with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network was an amazing and valuable experience, one for which I’m beyond grateful. I gained incredible knowledge, experience, and connections that will take me far in this industry. I owe all of my success to the fantastic Radio Oklahoma Ag Network team and couldn’t recommend this internship, or others like it, enough to aspiring students. This experience gave me a passion for broadcasting and media careers, and I think a career in this field may be in my future one day. Regardless, I’m so thankful for what I gained from my experience with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network. 

We are on the lookout for an intern for the summer of 2024! Applicants can email resumes or questions to ! See more information below:

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