Brangus Brings Maximum Genetic Potential Under the Hide

Listen to Ron Hays talk with Allen Goode about the Brangus Breed.

Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays is back talking with Brangus breeder and former president of the International Brangus Breed Association, Allen Goode.

Today’s Brangus, Goode said, is all about maximizing genetic potential.

“The industry today is really about what is under the hide, and being able to measure that, tell the story about that, what that means to the commercial man and what it means to dollars in your pocket at the end of the business cycle,” Goode said.

The IBBA has launched the Brangus Value Project, which is a controlled test of sets of Brangus-sired calves out of commercial herds.

“There is always at least two Brangus sires, or an Angus-reference sire,” Goode said. “Those calves go to a feedlot for full testing and for packing. The data we have been able to obtain from that has really proven the carcass merit of the Brangus cattle and how much emphasis our breeders across the entire spectrum of the breed have placed on doing that.”

Goode said many producers chose to add Brangus genetics into their cow herds because of the adaptability of the breed in hotter conditions.

“(They) add that extra thriftiness and heartiness to get through the warm months, but they can still survive the cold and do that with a high-quality end product,” Goode said.

IBBA strives to become a leader worldwide, Goode said, as the Brangus breed can be seen across the globe. Good added that U.S.-produced Brangus bulls are in high demand around the world.

“It is still about what is under the hide,” Good said. “If we can share that genetic merit data, the carcass quality, it is giving Brangus a strong leap up in the global beef market.”

The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and is a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR for today’s show and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.

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