U.S. Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) last week unveiled the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act, which contains more than 100 bipartisan bills. The bill reflects more than two years of bipartisan work of Senators on and off the Committee to keep farmers farming, families fed, and rural communities strong.
The bill received praise as a serious proposal that puts the Farm Bill back on track to be signed into law by the end of the year. This included:
National Young Farmers Coalition:
U.S. Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) published a detailed preview of the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act of 2024, laying out a path forward in the extended process to secure a new Farm Bill. A product of years of dialogue, and reflecting aspects of over 100 bipartisan marker bills, this proposal is a step forward, and is thoughtfully crafted to center the needs of farmers and ranchers across the country. We welcome this progress, and applaud Chairwoman Stabenow for her leadership and ongoing work in service of our food and agriculture systems and the people who power them.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association:
“The Farm Bill is important to America’s electric cooperatives and the rural communities they serve. We appreciate Chairwoman Stabenow’s Farm Bill proposal that invests in lasting, reliable high-speed rural broadband access and enhances the energy and rural development programs used by electric cooperatives to keep the lights on. NRECA looks forward to working with lawmakers and advocating for co-op priorities as the Farm Bill process continues.”
National Rural Health Association:
“The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) applauds the Senate Agriculture Committee’s 2024 Farm Bill framework in the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act. NRHA is pleased to see that many proposals and bills that we advocated for are included in the legislation. We are appreciative of the significant investments in rural communities including healthcare, childcare, and broadband. This framework represents a major step towards passing a final Farm Bill that provides critical support to rural areas of the nation. NRHA looks forward to seeing the full bill text and more activity out of the Committee, as well as a bill from the House Agriculture Committee to strengthen rural communities and healthcare across the country.”
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition:
“NSAC is extremely encouraged to see a pragmatic Senate farm bill proposal that includes numerous bipartisan policies. The proposal takes meaningful steps to build a fair and accessible farm safety net for farmers and ranchers, protect conservation and climate spending, and invest in local and regional food systems. For countless farmers, ranchers, and food system stakeholders, this will jump-start a beleaguered farm bill reauthorization with workable policies that meet their needs. NSAC thanks Chairwoman Stabenow for her leadership and encourages Congressional agriculture leaders to seize the moment and work together toward a solid, bipartisan bill.”
American Farm Bureau Federation:
“AFBF appreciates the House and Senate Agriculture committees’ progress to enact a new, modernized farm bill this year. We’re encouraged to see both proposals acknowledge that programs farmers and ranchers across the country use require additional investment in the face of falling commodity prices and increased inflation. And both proposals recognize the important role farmers and ranchers play in protecting our land, water and air through voluntary, working lands conservation programs.”
“A farm bill needs bipartisan support in order to become law. I appreciate the work that the House and Senate Ag Committees have put into the current proposals. There’s more work to be done to find common ground and consensus. Building a stronger farm bill coalition will provide the support necessary to pass this legislation.”
“Today, Senate Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (MI) released the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act bill summary – a critical step forward in advancing a final farm bill. The bill summary reflects the bipartisan priorities of numerous Senators and recognizes the pivotal role the bill has in increasing investments to reduce food insecurity in America. Our neighbors facing hunger have told us in our annual Elevating Voices: Insights Report that food insecurity should be treated as an urgent crisis and Feeding America applauds the Chairwoman for releasing a strong farm bill proposal that prioritizes our neighbors by strengthening federal nutrition programs.”
“NGA is pleased to see movement on a Farm Bill from both sides of the Capitol. Independent grocers are a critical partner in the SNAP program, ensuring access to a variety of foods to meet families where they are. We are thankful the Senate proposal protects retailers from burdensome fees on EBT transactions and an increase in funding and flexibility in GusNIP. We look forward to seeing more details on the House proposal.”
National Association of Wheat Growers:
“It is great to see progress being made on a long-term Farm Bill. We are glad to see legislative summaries being put forward by both the Senate and House Agriculture Committees to get a Farm Bill done in the 118th Congress. NAWG will continue reviewing these Farm Bill proposals and remain in contact with committee leaders and staff.”
NTCA- The Rural Broadband Association:
“The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) ReConnect Loan and Grant Program and other USDA broadband programs that would be authorized by this Farm Bill are critical to helping meet the connectivity needs of rural Americans. We appreciate Chairwoman Stabenow’s focus on ensuring ReConnect is authorized as part of the bill and believe the program’s broadband speed standards will help ensure rural consumers can receive the same level of service as those in urban areas, while targeting funding to areas most in need of service. NTCA members and staff have welcomed the opportunity to testify before the Senate and House Agriculture Committees to share the importance of investing in broadband networks built for the long term and encouraging coordination across federal broadband programs. We are pleased to see a commitment to these standards of service in the Chairwoman’s Farm Bill. We thank Chairwoman Stabenow and other members of the Senate Agriculture Committee for their work and recognition that broadband is critically important to the future of rural America. We look forward to working with both the Senate and House Agriculture Committees to move a Farm Bill forward.”
League of Conservation Voters:
“Today’s proposals in the House and Senate for moving forward on the 2024 Farm Bill could not be more different. We applaud Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow for her Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act that prioritizes the needs of our farmers and our families by preserving the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate-smart agriculture funding to ensure farmers can be part of the climate solution. We also commend Chairwoman Stabenow for her long-standing leadership and for bringing together so many stakeholders to collaboratively craft this bill.”
Rural Community Assistance Partnership:
“I am grateful that this first step has been taken toward passing the Farm Bill and am incredibly heartened that the bill includes strong investments like $200 million in mandatory funding for water and community facilities programs, as well as funding for expanded technical assistance for water cybersecurity and disaster recovery. We look forward to continuing to work with both parties to pass a final, bipartisan bill that will improve life in rural America.”
National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA):
“We are excited to see some truly historic policies in the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act. By providing baseline funding for the Rural Partnership Program, the bill will for the first time guarantee mandatory funding for the Rural Development title and people in rural communities. The Rural Partnership Program will provide direct and flexible multi-year grants to every state that will support locally-led solutions under a broad umbrella of eligible entities to address rural communities’ persistent and urgent needs. We also appreciate that the bill recognizes cooperatives as a tried-and-true approach for advancing the needs of rural communities – whether through utilities, agriculture, local food systems, or other community economic development strategies.”
“The Farm Bill should position U.S. farmers to meet the growing demand for organic food using the climate-friendly, ecological production practices required by the organic regulations. The National Organic Coalition is thrilled with the strong commitment to growing organic signaled by the Farm Bill framework presented today by Senator Stabenow. It provides a strong foundation to grow the organic sector to address climate mitigation, human health, and ecological challenges and provides organic producers with increased support to create thriving businesses to grow food for local communities.”
Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance:
“The Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance commends House Agriculture Committee Chairman Thompson and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Stabenow for their work in moving the 2024 farm bill process forward.”
“Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are thankful to see some of the organization’s top priorities being addressed in Senator Stabenow’s Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act. These include strengthening the Conservation Reserve Program by incorporating the provisions of the bipartisan, bicameral CRP Improvement Act, reauthorizing and funding the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP) and including provisions to support nationwide conservation of America’s grasslands.”
Save the Children:
“Save the Children strongly supports the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act introduced by Chairwoman Stabenow because of its historic investments in rural America, directly supporting the wellbeing of children and families,” said Smita Baruah, Head of Government Relations for Save the Children. “Save the Children operates programs exclusively in rural communities across the U.S. We know from experience that the policies in this bill will help rural communities access the resources they need. From streamlining the federal grant process to providing more quality child care for rural communities and improving nutrition assistance to millions of children, this legislation will have a tremendous long-term impact on children’s futures in rural America. Save the Children is grateful to Senator Stabenow and looks forward to helping advance this legislation.”
The Organic Trade Association:
“The trade association is specifically encouraged by Senate framework’s inclusion of $50 million in authorization for continued funding of the Organic Market Development Grant Program and improved coordination for organic research in USDA’s Research, Education, and Economics mission area, as well as increased Organic Certification Cost Share funding.”
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW):
“We applaud the Senate and Senator Stabenow for coming together and putting forward a Farm Bill that finally meets the essential needs of the hard-working people that keep this country fed, including our own members. This version of the Farm Bill increases vital economic aid, allotting millions of dollars to America’s essential food and farmworkers, and creates badly needed labor standards for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) delivery drivers, all while ensuring that federal money goes towards good jobs. This is the right framework for an effective Farm Bill, and the UFCW urges the Senate to pass it as soon as possible so it can move forward in the House.”
“MAZON applauds the visionary and powerful proposals made by Chairwoman Stabenow for our nation’s nutrition safety net in her proposed Farm Bill reauthorization. Chairwoman Stabenow has articulated a vision that will set America on the road to truly ending hunger. Her proposals are comprehensive – recognizing the complexity of hunger and the lives of those who are food insecure, offering powerful support to the nation’s nutrition safety net, and addressing the unique needs of diverse populations who struggle in America.”
Union of Concerned Scientists:
“The Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act appears to demonstrate a serious understanding and reckoning with the challenges facing our food and farm system, and the changes necessary to build a more sustainable, resilient and equitable food system that works for everyone. This proposal should be the starting point for all future conversations about the food and farm bill.”
“Indian Country is a leading force in American agriculture, with more than 80,000 individual Native producers contributing $6.4 billion to the industry. We are excited to see positive momentum in discussions surrounding the next Farm Bill, including 52 tribal-specific provisions in Senate bill. We look forward to working with Congress to further strengthen provisions that expand tribal self-determination and self-governance, prioritize tribal sovereignty, promote parity, eliminate unnecessary barriers to nutrition assistance programs, and increase access to critical USDA programs.”
Corn Refiners Association:
“The next Farm Bill should be an important step forward for America’s farmers and rural economic development. We are grateful to Chairwoman Stabenow for recognizing the value of biomanufacturing and look forward to helping the committee pass a bipartisan Farm Bill.”
Environmental Law & Policy Center:
“The Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act is a promising development for advancing economic and climate security in rural America, and we welcome Senator Stabenow’s proposals. REAP is both popular and successful because it cuts input costs, boosts profits, and advances environmental care with clean energy to strengthen our rural communities. Updating REAP with these new innovations will serve all American agriculture across sectors and size ranges, reach every state, and provide benefits for the entire nation.”
National Milk Producers Federation:
“Dairy farmers are heartened that today, both House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson, R-PA, and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, D-MI, each released documents providing an overview of their farm bill priorities and plans. Dairy farmers and the cooperatives they own are better-served by the certainty provided under a five-year farm bill, and as both chairs point the way toward important dairy priorities across multiple farm bill titles, all of dairy is eager to see this process get moving.”
Outdoor Industry Association:
“Outdoor recreation and the outdoor industry are key drivers of sustainable economic development in rural America. From supporting small businesses to safeguarding open spaces and enhancing outdoor access, the outdoor industry welcomes the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act and its commitment to conservation and recreation. We extend our gratitude to Chairwoman Stabenow for her leadership and look forward to lending our support to farm bill policies that that foster the cultivation of stronger, more resilient communities while safeguarding our natural spaces for future generations.”
“This Chairwoman’s draft makes permanent the increased IRA funding for vital and popular conservation programs that provide farmers with the necessary resources to limit their contributions to climate change while also protecting their farms from climate change’s most catastrophic impacts. Ensuring that this increased funding stays focused on climate as reflected in this draft is a key priority for our community. These programs are in high demand from farmers and in fact have been oversubscribed in the past. Making them permanent is a testament to Chairwoman Stabenow’s leadership and her commitment to fighting climate change. Her draft bill lays out a strategy for the entire agricultural sector that will bolster sustainability and resilience. We hope others in Congress will join her in this forward-thinking vision for agriculture, ensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for farmers and our planet alike.”
Audubon Society:
“One thing that both parties can agree on is the critical role that America’s farmers and ranchers serve in conserving our land, water, and wildlife. This bill invests in nature-based solutions to the climate crisis that threatens working lands and bird species across the country and makes crucial investments in the future of conservation. We thank Chairwoman Stabenow for the work done so far, and look forward to both sides of the aisle coming together for a final bill that benefits both farmers and the environment.”
“It is a welcome development to see progress toward a new and improved farm bill, and we are hopeful that meaningful, bipartisan legislation will be advanced this year. Farmers face significant headwinds – including an unfavorable farm income outlook and volatility in access to export markets – and strengthening the farm bill is more important than ever.”
“After a drawn-out process unfortunately rife with partisanship, this bill summary that includes more than 100 bipartisan priorities is a step in the right direction for climate, clean water, and biodiversity. It demonstrates Senator Stabenow’s unwavering support for our nation’s farmers and her deep respect for science-based, sustainable, and justice-driven natural agricultural solutions.”
Southern Environmental Law Center:
“From a historic investment in the South’s public lands to climate smart forest policy, this framework has something for everyone to applaud, no matter how they enjoy our National Forests. Senator Stabenow and her staff have drafted a bipartisan bill that all our elected officials can get behind.”
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers:
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers applauds Chairwoman Stabenow for prioritizing the adoption of precision agriculture technologies. The next farm bill is an opportunity for Congress to help farmers access the tools they need to monitor, manage, and maximize their operations while advancing climate-smart agriculture practices and protecting our environment. We appreciate the Chairwoman’s steadfast efforts to bring together a broad, bipartisan coalition of stakeholders, and encourage her to continue her work in a bipartisan manner to deliver a farm bill that unlocks the full potential of climate-smart agriculture practices.
Food Research and Action Center:
“Today, Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) released a long-awaited Farm Bill proposal aimed at strengthening benefit adequacy and equitable access for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Strengthening SNAP is critical to ensuring that the more than 42 million people who struggle against poverty-related hunger in this country can better afford to put food on the table and get the nutrition they need. FRAC is pleased the proposal aligns with many of our SNAP priorities for the Farm Bill, and we commend Chairwoman Stabenow for recognizing the importance of safeguarding the much-needed Thrifty Food Plan future benefit adjustment.”
Center for Science in the Public Interest:
“The detailed farm bill framework released today by Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow is very much in the tradition of previous farm bills. This framework supports consumers and farmers, protects the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and prioritizes food and nutrition security in ways that both parties should agree on. The Senate framework maintains Congress’ ability to keep the Thrifty Food Plan up to date as envisioned in the bipartisan 2018 farm bill. It’s important for food and nutrition security to keep SNAP benefit calculations aligned with the marketplace. It also increases funding for the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP), which advances nutrition security by increasing access to fruits and vegetables and supports local farmers, all while reducing the state match requirement to lower the bar of entry so more organizations can participate. The Senate framework additionally upholds equitable nutrition access by expanding SNAP access for college students, people formerly incarcerated, and residents of Puerto Rico.” CSPI added, “Sen. Stabenow’s proposal stands in stark contrast to the partisan proposal under consideration in the House, which undermines Americans’ food and nutrition security.”
“We applaud Chairwoman Stabenow for introducing a strong Senate farm bill framework today, the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act, that helps farmers feed our nation, combats the climate crisis, addresses food insecurity, and promotes access to healthy and nutritious food for all Americans.”
“Senator Stabenow has released a Farm Bill that will promote climate-smart farming, expand nutrition programs, and protect our environment, and we hope to see the House pass the Senate version of the bill. The Farm Bill will have a huge impact not only on farming and what it will look like for at least the next five years, but also food access, forestry, land and water pollution, and our climate. We need Congress to pass a forward-looking bill that prioritizes family-sustaining jobs, small and mid-sized farmers, local food systems, and healthy communities without further delay, and Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Stabenow’s framework will do just that. With unprecedented investments into Farm Bill programs through the Inflation Reduction Act to fight climate change and improve the health of our rural landscape, the Farm Bill can make a real difference in people’s lives by investing taxpayer money back into the public.”
“We applaud Chairwoman Stabenow’s proposal to preserve the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate-specific funding for conservation programs, which will help producers protect our food supply against increasingly frequent extreme weather events making it harder to farm across the country. We urge the House Agriculture Committee to follow suit.”
International Economic Development Council:
“On behalf of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and the thousands of economic development organizations and professionals we serve across the country, I want to thank U.S. Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee Chairwoman Stabenow for her work and leadership on the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act of 2024. This critical legislation would reauthorize many important programs under the U.S. Department of Agriculture and direct much-needed resources to rural communities across the United States. We are especially appreciative of the robust investment in the Rural Development title within the legislation including direct funding for the Rural Partnership Program. This program focuses on providing locally-led investments in rural communities that will build capacity and drive economic development opportunities for rural places and people. We commend this bill and support its passage through committee and the full Senate.”
Alliance for Fair Sugar Policy:
“The Alliance for Fair Sugar Policy welcomes Chairwoman Stabenow’s proposal to boost production of high-quality American sugar and create additional sugar program flexibility to ensure adequate sugar supplies are available for food and beverage manufacturers. We are also encouraged by Chairman Thompson’s farm bill outline released earlier today, which includes provisions to modernize the U.S. sugar program.”
National Resource Defense Council:
“This proposal protects the critical provisions we need to fight the climate crisis and support farmers making climate-smart investments. The final Farm Bill must benefit rural communities, boost crop resiliency, shield farmers from climate risks, and reduce food waste. This is an important step in the right direction toward a bipartisan deal.”
National Alliance of Forest Owners:
“Advancing sustainable forestry and wood products unifies policy makers. Modern forestry brings both sides of the aisle together to support smart policies that ensures our forests continue providing clean air and water, wildlife habitat, and good-paying rural jobs. Chairwoman Stabenow’s proposed legislation helps working forests, the environment, and the communities that depend on the wood products supply chain.”
“By maintaining the climate-smart guardrails created by the Inflation Reduction Act, Senator Stabenow is steadfastly supporting our nation’s farmers, who know all too well the real costs of extreme weather. Thank you, Senate Democrats, for defending the wildly popular climate-smart conservation programs that farmers and ranchers are already using to help combat the climate crisis, improve water and soil quality, and deliver economic benefits to rural communities. Even with the increased funding provided by the IRA, demand has broadly outstripped available funds. Farmers and ranchers are stepping up to fight the climate crisis. Now, Democrats in both chambers must hold strong to make sure Republicans don’t pull the rug out from under them.”
“There is broad agreement that Farm Bill conservation programs are incredibly effective and need more funding. The Senate and House Farm Bill frameworks underscore that lawmakers understand the vital role these USDA conservation programs play in helping farmers, ranchers, and foresters adopt better conservation practices by providing increased, permanent funding for those programs. We are particularly pleased to see that Senator Stabenow’s proposal preserves the climate sideboards for Inflation Reduction Act funding, includes bold new provisions to protect native grasslands through a nationwide sodsaver provision, and includes new provisions to support wildlife corridors on working lands.”
Ducks Unlimited:
“We appreciate Chair Stabenow releasing her outline detailing her priorities. The importance of the Farm Bill’s conservation programs cannot be overstated, and we look forward to working with the Senate Agriculture Committee to pass a bipartisan Farm Bill that benefits landowners, habitat, wildlife and our communities.”
Evangelical Environmental Network:
“EEN is heartened to see Chairwoman Stabenow’s proposal. Our farmers today face many uncertainties, from rising input costs to increasingly extreme and unpredictable weather. Further delays towards a bipartisan farm bill agreement only add to the uncertainty. We are grateful to the Chairwoman for her leadership taking this process to the next step. America’s farmers, foresters, and ranchers are among the most dedicated stewards of God’s creation and are key leaders in making our family farms and food system resilient to climate shocks and in the fight to mitigate the severity of climate-fueled extreme weather. EEN especially welcomes the many bipartisan conservation provisions in the proposal, which will further empower our farmers with the resources needed to steward our land, water, and climate well and pass it down to the next generation. We encourage our leaders across Congress to continue to work together to keep progress on a bipartisan bill moving forward.”
Agroforestry Coalition:
“The Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act of 2024 takes important steps to advance agroforestry to meet the needs of farmers and communities for climate resilience, farm sustainability, and economic opportunity. The draft includes an Agroforestry Pilot Program as part of the Conservation Reserve Program, which will allow owners and operators to enroll eligible land in CRP as they implement and maintain agroforestry systems that conserve and improve soil, water, and wildlife resources. The draft also includes increased funding for the National Agroforestry Center and authorization for new regional agroforestry centers, along with additional support for the Forest Farming Association and funding for agroforestry research. These programs come at a critical time when demand from farmers for support in agroforestry is at an all-time high. The public also benefits from improved soil health, water quality, wildlife habitat, and viability that successful use of trees on farms can provide. Congress should support sections in the 2024 Farm Bill that expand what’s possible for US farms and forests.”
Biologoical Products Industry Alliance:
“We are thankful for Chairwoman Stabenow for her unwavering commitment to championing the inclusion of biostimulant language in this pivotal legislation.”
We also applaud @SenateAgDems’ proposal to include greater support for forestry seedling and nursery supply chains and improve the Forest Inventory and Analysis program to better account for forest carbon removal. Chairwoman Stabenow has maintained the integrity and climate focus of IRA funding in the Farm Bill. In this draft, @SenateAgDemsprioritized the resources and investments needed for climate mitigation and carbon sequestration in conservation programs.
Plant Based Products Council:
“We are encouraged by the bipartisan support on Capitol Hill to grow the agriculture bioeconomy and appreciate Chairwoman Stabenow’s work to support the manufacturers of plant-based products. PBPC is committed to supporting efforts to advance a bipartisan Farm Bill that includes policy critical for our industry.”
AGree Coalition:
“Chairwoman Stabenow is leading the way by outlining policies that enhance agricultural data protection and access by creating a secure data environment accessible to approved Researchers.”
Agriculture Energy Coalition:
“The Ag Energy Coalition deeply appreciates the leadership of Sen. Stabenow and
welcomes the proposed improvements to Farm Bill energy title programs. These programs have a proven track record of diversifying America’s energy supply with renewable energy resources and making energy efficiency investments, helping rural communities with good paying jobs, lowering producer costs, advancing domestic manufacturing, and improving environmental quality.”
National Association of Food Distribution Programs on Indian Reservations:
“The Tribal Leaders Consultation Work Group on FDPIR has long supported more effective program delivery through increased Tribal sovereignty in USDA programs like the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations. Their years of work has helped shape many Tribal priorities in the Senate legislation and we look forward to supporting their inclusion in the Farm Bill moving forward.”
National Rural Water Association:
“NRWA testified in five separate hearings on the Rural Development Title of the Farm Bill. Our 31,000 utility members are the practitioners of these programs and initiatives, and we have been fully engaged in this process since the outset. We are delighted to see the Chairwoman included and improved many of these recommendations, which are transformational to modernizing existing programs and creating new initiatives to address current challenges better.”
Coalition for Food Security Puerto Rico:
“We have been advocating for Puerto Rico’s right to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), along with many allies and supporters across Puerto Rico and the states, for many years. The Farm Bill is the appropriate vehicle for transitioning Puerto Rico into SNAP. We are grateful to Senator Stabenow, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and Senator Gillibrand, who introduced and leads on the provisions calling for Puerto Rico’s inclusion in SNAP, for their steadfast leadership to provide U.S. citizens in the territory with the nutrition benefits already available in the states, D.C., Guam and USVI.”
“The contrast between the House and Senate farm bill proposals could not be clearer. The Senate framework would ensure that farmers are rewarded when they take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the House framework would not. At a time when farmer demand for climate-smart funding is growing, Congress should ensure that support for farmers offering to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer, and methane emissions from animals and their waste, is the Department of Agriculture’s top priority. Unless farmers are provided the tools to reduce nitrous oxide and methane emissions from agriculture, farming will soon be the nation’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.”
American Bird Conservancy:
“Agricultural practices are interwoven with bird conservation; Senator Stabenow’s bill will not only increase our knowledge of how pesticides and other practices impact wildlife, it promotes innovative solutions which will benefit birds as much as growers.”
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
“Chair Stabenow’s proposal represents an important first step toward a farm bill that protects the vital food assistance that SNAP provides to millions of children, families, older adults, and people with disabilities. It expands access to SNAP benefits for groups that have historically been excluded from the program, ensures that benefits are adequate to provide a nutritious diet, and improves customer service for participants.” “The farm bill should be an opportunity for Congress to make progress against food insecurity and hunger and tackle the glaring racial inequities in food hardship. Some 44.2 million people in 2022 lived in households experiencing food insecurity, with rates particularly high among Black, Latine, and American Indian and Alaska Native people. Critically, Chair Stabenow’s proposal rejects the false premise that improvements in SNAP must come at the expense of food assistance for low-income families who count on SNAP to put food on the table. There are proposals to improve SNAP that have bipartisan and bicameral support. The Senate framework, which rejects harmful benefit cuts, should be the basis for farm bill negotiations moving forward.”