Tag: brettcarver
Feb 27
OSU Wheat Research Aims to Provide Oklahoma Wheat Growers with Best Tools for Success
At the OGI Wheat Meeting, Farm Director, KC Sheperd, caught up with OSU’s Dr. Brett Carver about the latest wheat research and tools to aid wheat producers in choosing a variety that sets them up for success. Dr. Carver leads the OSU Wheat Improvement Team and conducts the wheat breeding and genetics research program. His work …
Feb 02
Growing A Wheat Breeding Program – RDA Episode 201
The Red Dirt Agronomy Podcast is back for season 2! Hear an update on the wheat crop from Dr. Brian Arnall; then, they talk with Oklahoma State University Wheat Geneticist and Wheat Breeder Dr. Brett Carver. Learn about Dr. Carver’s journey to Oklahoma State University, his time working with soybeans, becoming the OSU wheat breeder, …