An elite group of Oklahoma agriculturalists have been selected to represent and advise the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation as the first Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The board will direct the Foundation on general policies, have the power to accept contributions for announced and specific purposes, enter into any necessary contracts or agreements on behalf of the Foundation, act as trustee for the Foundation’s policies, plans and all its undertakings, and employ staff to assist in the implementation of the goals and overall success of the Foundation.
The Board of Directors consist of John Redman; Durant, Chancey Hanson; Waynoka, Sarah Armitage; Claremore, Brady Sidwell; Enid, Alex Morcom; Marlow, Mark Holder; Altus, Board Chair, Kelli Payne; Mustang, Executive Committee Members, Tyler Norvell; Tuttle, Ford Drummond; Pawhuska, OCA President Byron Yeoman; Dover, and Executive Treasurer Michael Kelsey; Tecumseh.
“I am looking forward to communicating the significance of the Foundation both as a legacy and as a resource for future generations,” said Kelli Payne, Board Chairman. “The board is excited to kick off a capital campaign, provide additional scholarships for our youth, and provide more education anywhere we can.”
“The Board of Directors selected are a not only an impressive and accomplished group of individuals, but they also understand the importance of the Foundation,” said Mariah Reimer OCF Executive Director. “They will push the Foundation to a new level of success to be a strong long-term partner for OCA and the entire cattle industry. I am thrilled to get to work with them and make a lasting impact on the state,” Reimer said.
In 2022, the Foundation gifted over $30,000 in scholarships, coordinated the first annual Oklahoma’s Best Beef Competition to promote local producers from across the state, and hosted various educational opportunities for agriculturalists.
The Board will represent the Foundation at events across the state and be a resource not only for staff, but also everyone in the agriculture industry. “I support the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation and its mission,” Ford Drummond, Executive Committee member said. “We need to grow the foundation to support beef cattle educational programs, OSU extension research, and education scholarships for the next generation of cattle industry leaders and I believe we have the right leadership in place to accomplish these goals.”
The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation strives to support the Oklahoma cattle industry by preserving past traditions and educating current and future generations in coordination with OCA and OJCA. You can get involved, donate, or learn more on the website or by reaching out to the Executive Director, Mariah Reimer.