Our heart breaks for farmers, ranchers and rural Oklahomans affected by wildfires that are ongoing in our state. OKFB members know the terrible impact natural disasters have on our agriculture community, and the OKFB Foundation for
Agriculture is now accepting donations for wildfire relief efforts. Up to $10,000 of donations will be matched by the foundation, OKFB, and Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance. Donate online today through March 15: https://okfb.news/FireRelief24
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members know the road to recovery after wildfires is a long, ongoing process stretching from initial response by emergency crews to replacing lost fencing and structures. The OKFB Foundation for Agriculture takes a long-term view of wildfire relief, making sure that farmers and ranchers affected by wildland fires have the relief resources needed to make a full recovery.
Join us and donate today as we step up to the plate to support Oklahoma’s agriculture community.
See the most recent list of Oklahoma Fires on The Oklahoman‘s fire database.
Donate to Oklahoma Wildfire Relief online today via PayPal
Make your donation to the OKFB Foundation for Agriculture 2024 Oklahoma Wildfire Relief efforts online via PayPal by March 15.
Donate today to the 2024 Oklahoma Wildfire Relief efforts on PayPal
The link above opens a new window to donate on PayPal’s website.
Mail your donation
If you would prefer to mail a check, please make it to the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and denote it is for 2024 Oklahoma Wildfire Relief.
Mail checks made out to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture:
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
Attn: Holly Carroll
2501 N. Stiles Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105