Bob Rodenberger Expects Lighter Runs Throughout Summer Due to Lighter Cattle Numbers

Listen to KC Sheperd talk with Bob Rodenberger about the latest in the cattle markets.

Farm Director KC Sheperd is visiting with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets. 

“We started out this week with normal runs for this time of year,” Rodenberger said. “We are seeing less cattle coming in off of wheat, but that is normal.”

The market is extremely good this week, Rodenberger added, and there was good demand for all classes of cattle.

“On the light cattle, all of us thought we might have a chance to buy some of these lighter cattle cheaper, but it seems like they are not any cheaper,” Rodenberger said. “They are fully steady.”

Rodenberger anticipates the market will remain steady throughout the summer due to lower cattle numbers.

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