On Tuesdays, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster, Ron Hays, visits with Ben Hale of Western Livestock Auctions as he talks about the latest in the markets and more. Established in 1995, Western has grown into a multi-generational family-owned and operated business and stands as a symbol of tradition, excellence, and a deep-rooted passion for the cattle industry. Western Livestock Auctions are located in Oklahoma City, Woodward, and Comanche.
“At the Oklahoma National Stockyards on Monday, I had a little over 4,000 compared to about 6,600 a year ago. Maybe due to the rain and better grass. All in all, maybe tightened numbers, they don’t have to sell, but a strong market remains,” he said.
While numbers were down from last year, cattle prices remain high. Some highlights Hale mentioned about the sale were average, five-weight steers brought $5.20 – $5.40 per pound, seven-weight steers brought $2.84 – $2.88 per pound, and a few nine-weight cattle brought about $2.50 per pound.
Hale mentioned that people were holding their breaths prior to the most recent Cattle On Feed Report. “On feed was 101, but placement is at 93, and marketing is at 91 which made the market bullish, so we were glad at that. We know it can’t go up forever, but I think the fundamentals are on our side,” he said.
He expects good sales at the Woodward and Comanche auctions this week, even as he realizes that recent rainfall means that people don’t have to move cattle right now.
Hale can be contacted at 940-631-2333.