KC Sheperd, Farm Director, is back talking with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets.
Rodenberger says that overall, the markets have seen a slump, but says that five-weight cattle and lighter are still bringing premium prices. Cattle that weigh 750 and heavier are seeing an adjustment, mainly because they’ve adjusted all of the back months of fat cattle.
“Right now, there is still enough demand that people are buying calves and pretty much giving steady money, but you’ve got LRP you are protected. The markets have ebbed and flowed since the beginning of time. It has to breathe to grow,” he said.
Rodenberger said that the cow-calf producer is in the driver’s seat as calves bring $1,200 – $1,700 depending on weight. Older, 8-9-year-old cows are bringing as much now as they will likely ever be worth, so it is a good time to cull the older ones. Packer cows, depending on if they classified as light-carcass or high-yield, brought $1.00 – $1.40 per pound.