On Tuesdays, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster, Ron Hays, visits with Ben Hale of Western Livestock Auctions as he talks about the latest in the markets and more. Established in 1995, Western has grown into a multi-generational family-owned and operated business and stands as a symbol of tradition, excellence, and a deep-rooted passion for the cattle industry. Western Livestock Auctions are located in Oklahoma City, Woodward, and Comanche.
Monday’s sale at the Oklahoma National Stockyards ran about 5,800 head through the barn, very comparable to the 5,900 reported a year ago. Overall, the sales have been considerably improved from just a week ago.
“The feeder steer and calves called $3 to $8 higher,” Hale said. “The heifers over 800 pounds were called $5 higher. Heifer calves were $3 to $8 better, but we had a lot of heavy eight to eleven-weight steers, and several eight-and-a-quarter up to eleven ninety-weight heifers.”
He added that the overall quality of cattle were better which likely helped the market report this week. He says that recent rain bolstered buyers’ optimism and they will be holding calves for future wheat pastures.
Hale anticipates that things will remain on the lighter side until it freezes, and then the sales will become extremely busy.
Hale can be contacted at 940-631-2333. Check out more about the marketing options that Western offers by clicking here.