Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays talked with Jimmy Taylor, Western Oklahoma rancher and Angus University’s Herd Rebuilding track panelist at the American Angus Convention.
His herd began with commercial cattle, changed to purebreds, and then to show cattle, but in 2005, he decided to aim for premiums on every animal he sold. After much research, selling carcass cattle on the grid was where he settled.
“We started out by buying registered Angus bulls – they were the best marbling breed,” he said. “I first graded 12.5% prime. By 2012, we were grading 19.5% prime. We made progress, but it was real slow.”
Taylor partnered with Zoetis and capitalized on their technology. Zoetis made a breakthrough around 2016. “They came out with an enhanced test in 2016, and it gave me data down to the trait, in ten different traits, how all of my females ranked. Those traits were both carcass and maternal; I’m focusing on carcass, but I’m keeping replacement heifers, too.”
He took the data from the tests and placed parameters above each trait. He marked anything that was below 50%. Because he had worked extensively on marbling, so he marked any in that category that weren’t in the top 30%. With these traits marked on each cow, he could choose an A.I. bull to complement each cow’s traits.
“By doing this procedure, I ended up going 82% prime a couple of times, beginning in 2018-2019,” Taylor said. “When I know a number, I can improve on a number. I can target individual traits.”
He explained how sometimes different traits go together such as bigger growth and higher birth weights, but with his precise breeding practices, he was able to improve the three growth traits by 22% to 32% while simultaneously improving calving easy by 10%. During this time, his marbling improved 24% and ribeye size increased 22%.
“Something that is really intriguing to me,” he shared. “Is I was able to increase that marbling 24% and at the same time, reduce external fat. So, when you have those numbers, you can make those different traits go in different directions and not only improve the carcass on your cattle where you get more bonus dollars in premiums but also, you are building that herd.”
Will the premiums justify the effort? Taylor answered, “The tests cost $28 a piece. If I were looking at just one year, it would be hard to pencil out, but if you are going to be in this for the long term, and want to look out ten years to see where your cow herd is going to be, it’s a no-brainer. You will be so far ahead if you use this test. The last premiums I received, I was getting a bonus of $15 per hundred prime over choice. I’ve seen a grid or two that paid $20 over, so that adds up in a hurry.”
The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and is a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR for today’s show and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.