On Saturday morning, after a hectic week of negotiations, Congress passed an end-of-year bill that includes a continuing resolution to temporarily extend current levels of federal funding until March to avoid a government shutdown. The legislation also includes an additional extension of the 2018 Farm Bill, disaster relief, and economic assistance for struggling producers. NACD called on Congress to provide much-needed relief for America’s producers and communities damaged by recent natural disasters, and we appreciate that these priorities were included in the final bill. Congress must pass these critical bills in a much timelier manner, without the imminent threat of shutting down critical government funding and programs. NACD and the conservation community are very disappointed that the legislative package does not include Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) conservation funding.
“NACD is deeply disappointed that the end-of-year bill does not include a bipartisan provision to integrate remaining IRA conservation funding,” said NACD President Kim LaFleur. “The failure to include conservation funding in an end-of-year bill forgoes an incredible opportunity, and unfortunately reflects Congress’ increasing inability to negotiate and pass bipartisan, common-sense solutions. We appreciate those lawmakers who prioritized this request and look forward to working with the House and Senate agriculture committees and congressional leadership to quickly pass a new farm bill that includes this priority.”